The pdf in the ACL anthology unfortunately contains a couple of mistakes. They were fixed in the arXiv version, see: - typo in result for 'nl' bi-LSTM (didn't change averages) - result for 'cs' was incorrect (fixed it and averages accordingly) - baseline bi-LSTM (vec{w}) boldfacing and some results fixed - typos: in two places of the paper 'next token' should be replaced by 'token' - result for freqbin cs is incorrect in ACL anthology version (thanks to Xiang Yu for spotting) Issues not fixed in arxiv version: * The German result column contains mistakes (thanks to Ines Rehbein for spotting) word only: 92.64 (german) wrong! should be 90.33 w only : 90.33 c: 90.02 c+b: 90.11 w+c: 93.11 * The headers in Table 2 are wrong, w and w+c are inverted! (thanks to T.Horsmann for spotting), i.e., adding characters improved performance for all languages.